Can't find linker symbol for virtual table
You have completely changed the code. You are now connecting the signal up to a slot on dialog2 now instead of printPreview.
Can you please either:
Provide a complete backtrace as Volker asked or
upload a tarball of a small compileable example that reproduces the problem
You will most likely spot the problem yourself in preparing the example.
How do I get a stack trace? I am not at a computer with a complier. I will provide the info when I find out how and get back to my computer.
Here is the code for the slot:
@private slots:
void createReportTable(QStringList);
@void Dialog2::createReportTable(QStringList stringList)
QStringList reportOptions=stringList;
printModel= new QSqlRelationalTableModel (this);
printModel-> setEditStrategy(QSqlTableModel::OnRowChange);
printModel-> setTable (mTableName);
printModel-> setRelation (2, QSqlRelation("rider", "id", "LName"));
printModel-> setRelation (3, QSqlRelation("track", "id", "TrackName"));
printModel-> setRelation (4, QSqlRelation("bike", "id", "BikeName"));//set up printview ui->printView->setModel(printModel); ui->printView->setItemDelegate(new QSqlRelationalDelegate(this)); ui->printView->setSelectionMode(QAbstractItemView::SingleSelection); ui->printView->setSelectionBehavior(QAbstractItemView::SelectRows); ui->printView->setColumnHidden(0,true); ui->printView->setColumnHidden(1, true); ui->printView->setColumnHidden(2, true); ui->printView->setColumnHidden(3, true); ui->printView->setColumnHidden(4, true);
if ("FSChecked") {
printModel->setHeaderData (5, Qt::Horizontal, "Front \n Spring");
printModel->setHeaderData (6, Qt::Horizontal, "Spring \n Preload");
printModel->setHeaderData (7, Qt::Horizontal, "Oil \n Weight");
printModel->setHeaderData (8, Qt::Horizontal, "Oil \n Height");
printModel->setHeaderData (9, Qt::Horizontal, "Front \n Compression");
printModel->setHeaderData (10, Qt::Horizontal, "Front \n Rebound");
printModel->setHeaderData (11, Qt::Horizontal, "Fork \n Tube Height");
}else //hide column and place in labels { ui->printView->setColumnHidden(5,true); //Front Spring Rate ui->printView->setColumnHidden(6,true); //Front Spring Preload ui->printView->setColumnHidden(7,true); //Front Oil Weight ui->printView->setColumnHidden(8,true); //Oil Height ui->printView->setColumnHidden(9,true); //Front Compression ui->printView->setColumnHidden(10,true); //Front rebound ui->printView->setColumnHidden(11, true); //Fork Tube Height //Need to place data in lables }
if ( "FTireChecked") //Front tire changes
printModel->setHeaderData (12, Qt::Horizontal, "Tire Type");
printModel->setHeaderData (13, Qt::Horizontal, "Tire \n Pressure");
printModel->setHeaderData (14, Qt::Horizontal, "Tire \n Modifications");
//itemColumn +=;
ui->printView->setColumnHidden(12,true);//Tire Type
ui->printView->setColumnHidden(13,true);//Tire Pressure
ui->printView->setColumnHidden(14,true);//Tire Modifications
}printModel->setFilter(mFilterString); //mFilterString is initialized earlier
printModel->select();//Set lables and static data
I will get a small compileable example when I get to my computer. -
I am using QT Creator. I am not getting anything backtrace info. I posted the error messages but I am sure there is more than that in a backtrace. After digging deeper and stepping through the program a million times, I think the problem actually lies in dialog2 when it is creating the table. in particular this line:
@printModel->setFilter(mFilterString); //mFilterString is initialized earlier @
I am stepping through it...I think I might get it...if not I will keep you posted
But if you could give me the info on getting the backtrace, it would be greatly appreciated. Another tool to help me resolve problems.Thanks
Hello, i have the same problem, it wrote me:
can't find linker symbol for virtual table forQStandardItem' value found
qEmptyModel()::cleanup' insteaddebugger stopped on:
@void MyClass::currentChanged ( const QModelIndex & indexCurrent, const QModelIndex & indexPrevious ){
QStandardItem *current = comparisonModel->item(indexCurrent.row(), 0);
}@i know, im accesing something what didnt exist, because of the message,
because I have model set on QTreeView, and indexes have children... but how to acces that item, when i have only index? -
Its not always an issue. When debugging, you need the proper symbols so you can step through code otherwise you will be stepping through assembler language instructions instead (the compiled binary instructions) - There are cases when parts of the API, especially when dealing with core parts that change a lot between versions, are mismatched. In those cases the correct vtable signature matches are not going to happen. And yeah, you will get a message about it if you step into a function that allocates one of such objects, and/or if one or more global static objects are allocated when begin stepping.
To resolve this, be sure your linker has access to the libraries with the correct debug symbols. If you often compile software (like in Linux for example) you may have dependencies for other versions mixed in, and possibly symlinked as the "default" library. The compiler just walks through it all hoping to find a match, and when it fails -- thats where you come in (and that message).
You can ignore these if they are generated because of symbol lookup during step debugging. If you get them during runtime without debugging, then that's something else altogether. Be advised these messages can happen for more than one root cause. Be sure you keep all your debug and compiler options set in harmony with the version of g++, lib, and other tools that are in use and be mindful of debugging libraries you install - you likely dont need to install -dev versions of libraries unless you want to step into them while debugging or need to statically link with them.
All this means is the symbols couldn't be found, your end users will rarely need that, unless your tool is a debugging tool but if it was I would suspect you'd already know all this and more anyway. Just be sure.
@osirisgothra Can you tell me why you revive such old topics? What's the point of this? Please stop it.