[SOLVED] qt creator + python 3.x
Qt Creator does not offer any special support for python. It does do syntax highlighting, but only based on regular expressions and not on understanding the code. There are no further support for python built in.
So no, Qt Creator does not support python. On the other hand its support is no worse than the python support by many other editors (e.g. kate uses the same syntax highlighting creator does:-) A dedicated python IDE does offer way more though.
I wish Qt Creator will support "Python":http://python.org/ and "D Programming Language":http://www.d-programming-language.org/
[quote author="uranusjr" date="1317287422"]If Qt Creator is to offer all languages bindings, there will be no end of it. lol
Eclipse + PyDev is a good enough option for PyQt/PySide developing.[/quote]
True, but Qt Creator is the best editor for me. I'm using eclipse over 6 years, but qt creator is simple and powerfull then others.
It' s just a wish...
Regards. -
[quote author="hdarama" date="1317288035"]qt creator is simple and powerfull then others.
It' s just a wish...
[/quote]I agree. I've been wishing for an option that can match the simpleness of Qt Creator for a while now. Eclipse is a monster (in a good way), but I don't use Java, and a bulk of it is just useless for me.
I actually did some background researches on how to build my own IDE. But now I'm stuck on lacking a good real-time syntax parser. (I know about QScintilla, but am reluctant to use it.) I really don't have much experience with Python, and the process is slow for me. If someone can offer a good idea for this, I'll be really glad to contribute.
How can i manually download "Syntax Highlight Definition Files". My "Download Selected Definitions" button is not working. I want to download highlight definition for "D language". Regards.Googling, googling, goggling and i find it.
Its downloaded in my home directory. %HOME%\AppData\Roaming\Nokia\qtcreator\generic-highlighter and i find it.
Note that the generic highlighter is not using a code model or anything. It is basically just a bunch of regular expressions that highlight some things.
Code completion, etc. will not work for files using the generic highlighters.
i wish qtcreator would support python as well, pyside is really awesome and qt too. and i would need one less ide installed.
jerobarraco: Python support is not a priority for us, but we would really love to see somebody contributing in this area. Our gdb helper code is written in python after all;-)
Just happened to stumble on this old post that reminded me of something I found the other day:
"Qt Creator Python Reborn":https://gitorious.org/~sergey-shambir/qt-creator/qt-creator-py-rebornhttps://gitorious.org/~sergey-shambir/qt-creator/qt-creator-py-reborn is a fork to the official Qt Creator that adds Python support. Looks pretty active, but hadn't had the time to check on it.
Oh, cool! I'm looking forward to seeing a merge request for that!