Hud and QGraphicsView
Have you tried using custom some widgets with the graphicsview as their parent. And than setting their positions in the graphicsviews resize event.
- If i add a qwidget on top of qgraphicsview, i note some problems with alpha channel of widget's background.
- if i set the flag of QGraphicsProxyWidget (got after calling addWidget on qgraphicscene) with ItemIgnoresTransformations, nothing happens.
A Solution could be: fix the qgraphicsview on qgraphicsscene, then scroll manually the content of qgraphicscene.
if i setViewport with QWidget instead QGLWidget, it works (I can see a correct blending between the transparencies of the backgrounds).
...Hence, recapping:
I have a QWidget (my hud) with transparent background;
My hud is a son of QGraphicsView;
If the QGraphicsView has a viewport of type QWidget, i can see correct blending of backgrounds.
If the QGraphicsView has a viewport of type QGLWidget, i see a black background for my Hud.
Many Thanks.
for transparencies in openGL I think you can try this:
@qgl=new QGLWidget(new QGLContext(QGLFormat(QGL::Rgba | QGL::DoubleBuffer | QGL::AlphaChannel | QGL::HasOverlay)));
setViewport(qgl);@and to retrieve the coordinates to draw your HUD sticky to a position, you have to calculate the mapped position relatively to the current scene. For example, if you want to draw it at coords (10,10) of QGraphicsView widget:
hud.setPos(pos);@hope this help
First of all, thanks for the support.
I tried the suggestion above but, nothing happens.
Hence, i invite you to see with your eyes the problem,
you can download this:
"TestHudView": can try to uncomment(or hack) inside @void ZGraphicsView::Init()@
Many thanks.
I didn't know why a transparent widget over a openGL GraphicsView isn't transparent. I think some function like initGL and updateGL should be reimplemented correctly, but you can reimplement "QGraphicsView::drawForeground": to positioning the "QGraphicsProxyWidget *hud" when needed as follow
@void ZGraphicsView::drawForeground ( QPainter * painter, const QRectF & rect )
hud->setPos(mapToScene(100, 10));
}void ZGraphicsView::Init()
//------------------- CHECK THIS! -------------------
// setViewport(new QWidget());
setViewport(new QGLWidget(new QGLContext(QGLFormat(QGL::Rgba | QGL::DoubleBuffer | QGL::AlphaChannel | QGL::HasOverlay))));
//---------------------------------------------------// Hud Settings (on QGraphicsView) QLabel* label = new QLabel("HUD!", 0); label->setStyleSheet("QLabel{background: transparent; color: red; font: 40px;}"); label->setFixedSize(100, 44); label->move(0, 0); // Background settings (on QGraphicsScene) ZGraphicsScene* scene = new ZGraphicsScene(); QGraphicsPixmapItem* myBackground = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(QPixmap(":/background.png"), 0); scene->addItem(myBackground); setScene(scene); setFixedSize(myBackground->boundingRect().size().toSize()); hud = scene->addWidget(label); hud->setPos(mapToScene(100, 10)); show();
[quote author="MarcoB" date="1297775701"] but you can reimplement "QGraphicsView::drawForeground": to positioning the "QGraphicsProxyWidget *hud" when needed as follow
[/quote]The Test that i added above it isn't my true case.
In my case, i can't do it, because (for now) i have the QGraphicsView that scrolls a QGraphicsScene, so if i move my hud to fixed position, whenever drawForeground is executed, i see that my hud flickers with scrolling.Many Thanks.
Yes, i solved this problem (more or less).
You can find my game here:, now i am using another kind of solution for the hud cause i stopped to use the qgraphicsview system.
Basically I am developing a 3D shoot' em up, using a QGLWidget with an hybrid system for the hud: ortographic projection+qfont+opengl commands.
As I found this topic searching another similar problem, just a way to have a transparent widget on an OpenGL background:
widget->setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground);@The opacity value is just to see what you put in the widget. The only forbidden value is 1.0.