Certification at Qt Developer Days Munich 2011
I don't know for this year, but during the last years, one could book the exams during DevDays too, and there were always seats available. The earlier you book, the better is your choice for the actual date. Booking should be settled via the web page of Pearson Vue, as they are handling the certification in the venue too.
Of course you can wait for an official statement of Vladimir or another troll here.
Yes, it will be available this year at 50% off, like the last year. There is no exact information how to pre-book it yet, since we did not sign up the test center yet. It is in the work. As soon as it will be done, more infos will be posted either on the "event web site":http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2011 or on the certification web site under "discounts":http://qt.nokia.com/learning/certification/exams/prices-discounts. Check the web one week or 10 days prior the event. It makes sense to pre-book since it will save a lot of time for you and folks from the test center
[quote author="Vladimir" date="1317123156"]Yes, it will be available this year at 50% off, like the last year. There is no exact information how to pre-book it yet, since we did not sign up the test center yet. It is in the work. As soon as it will be done, more infos will be posted either on the "event web site":http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2011 or on the certification web site under "discounts":http://qt.nokia.com/learning/certification/exams/prices-discounts. Check the web one week or 10 days prior the event. It makes sense to pre-book since it will save a lot of time for you and folks from the test center[/quote]
This is exactly what I wanted to know. Thank you.
See you all at Munich!
Best regards
There are new exams for this year. We are working on some content for Qt Quick right now. A Qt Quick exam is currently planned for the next year. More details are to come. We also will need to revise the current scope and align it with changes in Qt5.
[quote author="Vladimir" date="1317123498"]There are new exams for this year. We are working on some content for Qt Quick right now. A Qt Quick exam is currently planned for the next year. More details are to come. We also will need to revise the current scope and align it with changes in Qt5.[/quote]
That is very interesting! I am curious what topic I should brush up on before going. So far, I have managed to take (and pass) all three exams that were introduced the last two years, and I think I'd like to keep that up :-)
Andre, not only you :) Another exam is always something good.