Text is interpreted in code snippets
Hi to all,
I continue experiencing that introducing code snippets in the posts text that should be left "as-is" is syntax-managed byt the editor. There is not a specific case, I think that there are some general syntax checking funcitons that will not be active in these pieces of code.
As I find new specific cases I will add them to this thread.
Do you mean something like this?
Original. Spaces added around < and > to avoid broken formatting. Newlines at the end of every line.
< product >
< name >Product A< /name >
< property type="A" >Property A< /property >
< /product >No enclosure.
<name>Product A</name>
<property type="A">Property A</property>
</product>Quote enclosure.
bq. <product>
<name>Product A</name>
<property type="A">Property A</property>
</product>Code enclosure.
<name>Product A</name>
<property type="A">Property A</property>
@All cases are broken in the post editor and the post preview (product and property tags are removed). Just quote this post and preview the reply.
I have done.
This I had not find yet ... So this will be added to others I saw. This is like magic :D