Camelot 11.09.10 Released
"Camelot": is a Python GUI framework based on QT and SQLAlchemy. It excels
in the creation of database applications.! application)!
Changes :
Refresh reexecutes queries in the table view
Deleted entities are grayed out in the GUI if they are deleted when
visible -
Add to new projects for easy packaging
The settings mechanism becomes plugable
Print preview does pdf export when no printer is available
Wizard to create a new project
! project wizard)!
API documentation integrated with sphinx
UserException, a subclass of Exception that
can be used to inform the user in a gentle way he should behave different.
! Exception Dialog)!
Reduced memory usage
Experimental PySide support
German, French and Dutch translations
Generation of .po files integrated with setuptools
Fixes of VirtualAddress editor