Mediadownloader for Nokia N9/950
I would like to annunce my first application written using QML ui :)
This is a little port of the desktop application I start writing a long time ago.
Is meant to be a client for Google Image, YouTube and now also for Blip TV.
"Here my post": you a can enjoy it ;)
("thread": posted on Italian forum)
I have changed "web address": even if is up again :)
I got the new version of mediadownloader published at Nokia Store, the old free version is still available at "sourceforge": and a new desktop version is also available :)!!
You can find more information and download app on:
Desktop version:
- "Home Page":
- "Qt-Apps":
- "Qt Ambassador Showcase":
- "Gitorious":
N9/950 version:
- "Nokia Store":
- "Web page":