My question concerns C++ template classes rather than specific Qt points, so I'm wondering if I can post it here. Sorry if not.
Here is my problem. I have a template class derived from C++ 'list':
Template <class T> class ObjListP : public list<T> { // class implementation };
I want this class to store only pointers to objects of class Obj (or its derivate classes), so I declare a list object
ObjListP<Obj*> mylist();
so that T is in fact a pointer Obj*.
Now, in a method of the above class, I want to create a new object of class T. Obviously
T obj=new T();
is wrong, because it creates a pointer to a pointer, that is an Obj** not an Obj*. I can create it as
Obj* obj=new Obj();
but this will not create pointers to objects in the classes derived from Obj if T is in fact a derived class.
Is there a way to create an object that is a pointer to an object of class T?
Thanks, and sorry if my question is misplaced.
@jcga said in Template class creating object:
Now, in a method of the above class, I want to create a new object of class T. Obviously
T obj=new T();Why do you want to do this? If you only want to manage pointers - why then do you create instances in this template?
For C++ questions you can use https://forum.qt.io/category/34/c-gurus -
Im not sure i understand question.
Say we have the following codeclass Obj { public: virtual void print() { qDebug() << "obj"; } }; class SubObj : public Obj { public: virtual void print() { qDebug() << "subobj"; } }; template <class T> class ObjListP : public std::vector<T> { // class implementation };
and we call it like
ObjListP<Obj*> mylist; mylist.push_back( new Obj); mylist.push_back( new SubObj); mylist[0]->print(); mylist[1]->print();
we get
subobjso not sure what you mean it wont create the right type.
Or what the actual issue it. -
@mrjj He wants to use a pointer as T, so
ObjListP<Obj*> mylist;
and he wants to create instances of T inside the ObjListP class. But this is bad design in my opinion, because ObjListP class is managing pointers to T and should not create instances of T by itself. This is something users of ObjListP will do (as with any other container).
I want this class to store only pointers to objects of class Obj
Add, inside the class
static_assert(std::is_pointer<T>::value && std::is_base_of<Obj, std::remove_pointer<T>::type>::value,"T must be a pointer to an Obj");
Is there a way to create an object that is a pointer to an object of class T?
T obj = new std::remove_pointer<T>::type;
You should also have a think about what happens if the user const-qualifies T. For example, in case of
ObjListP<const Obj*> mylist;