Building Qtwebengine using MSVC2015 on Qt5.6
I am building Qtwebengine on windows 7 with MSVC2015 and Qt5.6 with proprietary_codecs enabled. I tried to build it on windows command prompt as:
C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\Src\qtwebengine>"C:\Qt\Qt5.6.0\5.6\msvc2015_64\bin\qmake" WEBENGIN
E_CONFIG+=use_proprietary_codecsQt WebEngine on Windows requires MSVC 2013 or MSVC 2015.
Qt WebEngine on Windows requires MSVC 2013 or MSVC 2015.
QtWebEngine will not be built.When I checked Visual Studio Path is present in Path variable. So not able to understand why qtwebengine\tools\qmake\mkspecs\features\functions.prf throwing this error?
Any help is appreciated.