basic variables problems with Qt or C++
I'm facing a basic problem (because of the lack of knowledge about c++) regarding declaring some variables in Qt. I know is basic but believe me that 1+1 is a very difficult problem for the person that doesn't know it....
here you have my pseudo code that I want to archive:struct command { //I have about 200 commands which are with: char : device_address; // about 20 different devices addreses char : device_pin_no; // 200 different pin address (on the different device they will be the same) 0x05 on dev 0x020 and 0x05 on 0x21 and so on }; enum parameter { // the list with all the parameter for the commands that can be taken by all the devices OFF = 0, // logic pin LOW ON = 1, // Logic pin HI ALLOFF = 2 // all logic pin LOW - on that device ALLON = 3 // all logic pin HI - on that device }; Q_ENUM(parameter ) enum commands { // the list of all commands supported - they have to be of the type command declared above (how can I do that??? enum of a specific type) comm1 // command no 1 comm2 // command no 2 comm3 // command no 3 ...... com200 // command no 200 }; Q_ENUM(command )
now when I'm receiving the command I have a case that does that command
QMetaObject metaObject = this->staticMetaObject; QMetaEnum metaEnum = metaObject.enumerator(metaObject.indexOfEnumerator("commands")); switch(metaEnum.keysToValue(command)){ case comm1: // please note that I'm receiving the commands over the network as a QString process_command(comm1, parameter); case comm2: // please note that I'm receiving the commands over the network as a QString process_command(comm2, parameter); break; ................................ default: //Command not recognized defCommand(default); break; }
can you help me in this basic matter???
Thanking you
Andrei -
@arsinte_andrei said in basic variables problems with Qt od in c++:
please note that I'm receiving the commands over the network as a QString
Hi! What's the format of that string? Can you give an example?
@Wieland yes the string is coming as QByteArray eg. command:parameter. I interpret it in a function like
QString holeString= QString::fromLatin1(data); QStringList commandAndParameter = sir.split(":");
and then processing it
so what I wish to do is that to have on each command - assign it's own device address and it's own pin
so when the user sendcomm1
I should have something like
[comm1] [address for device @comm1] [pin no on that device for comm1]
@arsinte_andrei said in basic variables problems with Qt or C++:
QString holeString= QString::fromLatin1(data);
QStringList commandAndParameter = sir.split(":");data is "comm1:ALLOF", literally as a string, or do you send binary encodes addresses, pin numbers?
everything at the moment is Qbytearray or give me a better option if you know... I'm using tcp server with qsocket
Mhh, what do you think about this:
#include <QApplication> #include <QDebug> enum class command_t : uint16_t { comm_1 = 0x2342, // address = 0x23, pin = 0x42 comm_2 = 0xB00B, comm_3 = 0xDEAD, comm_4 = 0xBEEF, }; enum class parameter_t : uint8_t { off = 0, on = 1, all_off = 2, all_on = 3, }; void run_command_1(parameter_t p) { qDebug() << "comm_1, parameter =" << static_cast<int>(p); } void run_command_2(parameter_t p) { qDebug() << "comm_2, parameter =" << static_cast<int>(p); } void run_command_3(parameter_t p) { qDebug() << "comm_3, parameter =" << static_cast<int>(p); } void run_command_4(parameter_t p) { qDebug() << "comm_4, parameter =" << static_cast<int>(p); } using command_callback_t = void (*)(parameter_t); using command_callback_map_t = std::map<command_t, command_callback_t>; using command_and_parameter_t = std::pair<command_t, parameter_t>; command_callback_map_t make_supported_commands() { command_callback_map_t m; m[command_t::comm_1] = &run_command_1; m[command_t::comm_2] = &run_command_2; m[command_t::comm_3] = &run_command_3; m[command_t::comm_4] = &run_command_4; return m; } void network_send(command_and_parameter_t const &) { /* ... */ } command_and_parameter_t network_receive() { command_and_parameter_t commandAndParameter; { // simulate receiving comm3 / all_off from the network commandAndParameter.first = command_t::comm_3; commandAndParameter.second = parameter_t::all_off; } return commandAndParameter; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QApplication a(argc, argv); auto const supported_commands = make_supported_commands(); auto const commandAndParameter = network_receive(); try {; } catch (std::out_of_range) { qDebug() << "command not supported"; } return 0; }
many thanks for your effort to provide me with a working code, your suggestion is good, but I'm not always using the same config for the command so I have to accept some of your proposed - like using the commands in hex like comm_1 = 0x23 but from here I have to be careful at what I'm sending because if my first command is login(username, passowrd) or addNewRoom("RoomName); then the param is different. I wish to stick with the QByteArray at the moment and to have parameters as 0x04 // pin no and 0x01 // pin state
so it will be like
[command] ([devId][pinNo][pinState]) or
[command]([username][separationChar \r][password]) or
[command]([name...strings anything]still thinking on the best option for implementation...
a working bit...
#include <QCoreApplication> #include <QDebug> #define SEPARATOR_CHAR 0x01 #define START_CHAR 0x02 #define END_CHAR 0x03 #define LOG_IN 0x0A #define ADD_NEW_ROOM 0x0B #define ADD_SWITCH_DEVICE 0x0C #define ADD_UP_DOWN_DEVICE 0x0D #define SWITCH_ON_OFF 0x0E enum class pinState : char { OFF = 0, ON = 1, ALLOFF = 2, ALLON = 3, }; QByteArray socketReturn(){ QByteArray raspuns; raspuns.clear(); raspuns.append(START_CHAR); raspuns.append(QByteArray::number(LOG_IN, 16)); raspuns.append(SEPARATOR_CHAR); raspuns.append("Andrei"); raspuns.append(SEPARATOR_CHAR); raspuns.append("Arsinte"); raspuns.append(END_CHAR); return raspuns; } void doLogIn(QByteArray username, QByteArray password){ qDebug() << "LOGIN"; qDebug() <<username <<" - " <<password; if(password.endsWith(END_CHAR)){ password = password.remove(password.indexOf(END_CHAR), 1); } qDebug() <<username <<" - " <<password; } void doAddNewRoom(QByteArray roomName) { qDebug() << "doAddNewRoom"; qDebug() <<roomName; } void doAddSwitchDevice(QByteArray devId, QByteArray devPin, QByteArray deviceName){ qDebug() << "doAddSwitchDevice"; qDebug() <<devId <<" - " <<devPin << " - " <<deviceName; } void doAddUpAndDownDevice(QByteArray devId, QByteArray devPinUp, QByteArray devPinDown, QByteArray deviceName){ qDebug() << "doAddUpAndDownDevice"; qDebug() <<devId <<" - " <<devPinUp <<" - " <<devPinDown << " - " <<deviceName; } void doSwitchOnOff(QByteArray devId, QByteArray devPin, QByteArray pinMode){ qDebug() << "doSwitchOnOff"; qDebug() <<devId <<" - " <<devPin <<" - " <<pinMode; } void doDefault() { qDebug() << "DEFAULT"; //logOut, disconnect and other stuff - unlegal call } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { QCoreApplication a(argc, argv); QByteArray comm = socketReturn(); QByteArrayList myList = comm.split(SEPARATOR_CHAR); int receivedCommand; qDebug() << comm << " -- " << myList; if(myList[0].startsWith(START_CHAR)){ receivedCommand = myList[0].remove(0,1).toInt(nullptr, 16); qDebug() << "Comanda primita" <<receivedCommand; switch (receivedCommand) { case LOG_IN: doLogIn(myList[1], myList[2]); break; case ADD_NEW_ROOM: doAddNewRoom(myList[1]); break; case ADD_SWITCH_DEVICE: doAddSwitchDevice(myList[1], myList[2], myList[3]); break; case ADD_UP_DOWN_DEVICE: doAddUpAndDownDevice(myList[1], myList[2], myList[3], myList[4]); break; case SWITCH_ON_OFF: doSwitchOnOff(myList[1],myList[2], myList[3]); break; default: doDefault(); break; } } return 0; }
do not forget this is work in progress
@arsinte_andrei said in basic variables problems with Qt or C++:
200 commands
Hi 200 commands its not so simply ....
I have generated association from 240 language..
ID from google language to make associate in QT5.9 QLocale...
search "DATALANGUAGEPROVIDEQT591_H" in file: love struct data in C++..