Hello Guys,
I have one question
with a timer I am generating and array of 100 elements and I want to store it in an big array of 1000 elements. But when second timeout has occurred I want to store the new array of 100 elements in the same big array but from index 100 so that after 10 timeouts I will have 1000 elements in the big array.
I am using following method but getting errorint samplesPerSecond=1000; uInt32*dataCounterBigArray=NULL; dataCounterBigArray =(uInt32*) calloc ((samplesPerSecond), sizeof(uInt32)); double*readCounterData; This is slot from timer timeout void manualMode::getCounterData() { readCounterData=ni6002.readCounter(0.1*samplesPerSecond); /*Note-Length of readCouterData is 100*/ memcpy(dataCounterBigArray, readCounterData, sizeof(uInt32)*0.1*samplesPerSecond); dataCounterBigArray+=100; }
But i am getting error can any one help me with this.
Thanks.[Added code tags ~kshegunov]