QML Thread module
I have developed a module that supports parallel threads in qml, supports object orientation with Item {}, ready for sharing and simple to use, and really very powerful for qml threads.
import m7.Threads 1.0Thread{
id: thread runnable: "qrc:Runnable.qml" threadMap: ThreadMap // map datas { itens: { 'a':1,'b':2 } } onStarted:{ console.log("Begin process")
//Slot onFromRun:{ var total = sum console.log(total) }
// Runnable is dead console.log("End process")
Component.onCompleted: start()
//File Runnable.qml
import m7.Threads 1.0
function run(){
var sum = a + b //send to Thread parent signal to slot onFromRun toThread({'sum': sum})
Great! Thank you for sharing. Can you post a link to the source code?
@Wieland Of course, soon I will pass the link of git to be able to download with the documentation of the module = D