Bug in DOCS
please see http://developer.qt.nokia.com/doc/qt-4.7/qftp.html.
in the first snippet, there is stated the following:
@QFtp *ftp = new QFtp (parent);
ftp->connectToHost/@func ("ftp.qt.nokia.com");
ftp->login/@func ();@
this "/@func" shouldn't be there according to the original documentation : http://doc.qt.nokia.com/4.7/qftp.htmlsame tokens can be found in the rest of the document, and potentially to other documents (a search for @func will proves my point: http://developer.qt.nokia.com/search?search=@func&x=38&y=4 )
should I also open a ticket in JIRA for this?
Marius already knows about this. We think it is a problem with the syntax highlighter. If you reload the page you can sometimes see it before the syntax highlighter has executed and then it looks as is should. It happens on any doc page in QtDN with code snippets.
[quote author="korkakak" date="1310130264"]
[quote author="Alexandra" date="1310130077"]Oh, and thanks of course for the report.[/quote]
No problem, I will continue to spy on ZapB's mind though
You do realize that that is a dangerous thing to do, don't you? You probably don't want to be in his head once he starts drinking Pan-Galactic-Gargle-Blasters!