Qt Development Jump Start Meet up at Bangalore, India
Qt Development Jump Start:
Session key Agenda.
- Introduction to Qt,
- Qt Development Jump start Question and answer.
- Project Demos.
Saturday, October 15, 2016, 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM
Registration Form : https://goo.gl/forms/g5rnS2BaCM8ffJsK2
Venue Map : https://goo.gl/maps/oxt8vyvxVe62More more details : Please feel to call on +91 876 233 1536 or + 91 9901002299 or drop your text to info@pthinks.com
Hi @Bharath_pthinks
Please do not post the same topic in several sub-forums that are not related to topic.
I removed the ones that were completely off-topic.Aside from that, I hope you get a good number of people coming to the meet!
what is it?
It is meeting where to get to know about the technologies, and for interaction and exchanging the ideas. So during the meet up the audience can learn and share their ideas and opinions.
And explaining how the company is using the technology and how making use of it.Above is the details provided.
which sessions and what is the Agenda of the session.