Title of toc
Is it possible to change the title of toc? I mean the bold text: "Table of Content" on the top of frame. I would like to translate it...
And before you ask I answer: yes I read wiki help and wiki syntax documentation :-)EDIT: moved to Beta Testing, as wiki discussions should be used to discuss wiki pages, beta is for DevNet Functionality etc, gerolf
Afaik, it is not possible, so I suggest you write a "suggestion in JIRA":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa . Please post the link to the Jira entry here, if you create it and also post a link to this thread in your suggestion. Thanks.
Not familiar with JIRA. I hope it is correct:
"Suggestion on JIRA":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-251 -
the link is already there, but not named with the titel, so I added it here:
QTWEBSITE-251":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-251Additionally, we typically have a back reference from Jira to the forum thread, I also added that.