Profile picture
@tekojo said:
-----8<------------Uploading stuff seems to give funny results for now (works for some and not for others),
The really funny thing is that changing the profile picture for me did not work on Linux+FF44 but did on Win7+FF44 :)
After changing it on Win from Gravatar to DefaultIcon I also saw it on my Linux box, but when going to the Profile page it changed back to Gravatar -
@tomy looks like it is the site.
Upload of images is turned off for now. We have to look at what is causing this and then see if fixing in this version makes sense, or do we wait for the 1.0 upgrade (which fixes a few other minor issues we have too)
Hi everybody and thanks for your patience with the issues after the upgrade.
Like @tekojo said, the uploads are disabled now. The forum is currently hosted in Heroku where you don't have any persistent storage for uploads. And the only thing needing that storage would be profile/header images. An option would be to host all the assets in cloud (like Amazon S3), but that would need some extra work to implement that integration. So the simplest solution was to force users to use Gravatar (which many users already did before the upgrade).
If you had uploaded a profile image before the upgrade, the option "uploaded picture" appeared in avatar settings. But after changing the option to Gravatar, that option should disappear.
So Gravatar is the current way to go and I don't think that is going to change any time soon. If you have any issues with using the Gravatar-option, please let us know.
- Olli
Have you read the topic, at least the last post?