Internship positions at Therapixel (Paris, France) - Qt/QtQuick developers for a medical image reviewing app
We have several internship positions available at Therapixel.
Therapixel is a startup located near Paris, and specialized in developing medical imaging solutions for surgeons. Our top product is Fluid, a touchless system for reviewing medical images in sterile conditions (see
We are looking for new recruits to help us develop a mobile app (Android, iOS) for medical image display and interaction. This includes:
- developing a mutli-threaded core engine (e.g., retrieving medical data while displaying it)
- designing the GUI
- choosing or implementing the 3D visualization layer
Of course, the solution will be Qt-based (QtQuick 2, but not only) !
We have also an internship position in data science (web service to collect medical data, and connected to Anywhere, our desktop medical image reviewing system written in Qt). The challenge here will be to develop a solution allowing users to send annotated medical data to a public server, and sharing this server among users so they can review the others' cases. Again, Qt will be involved at every step.
If you're interested in one of the above, please send your resume and cover letter to