Problem with setPos() and setRotation on QGraphicsItem
Hi everyone ! I have problem with function setPos() on QGraphicsItem . I want the rect can rotate only,rotate and move (moving on a cycle) and only move. Here is class where I use it :
#include <QPainter> #include <QGraphicsItem> #include <QGraphicsScene> class robot : public QObject , public QGraphicsItem { public: robot(); QRectF boundingRect() const; void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget); void setSpeed (int); void setSize(int ,int ); void setAngle(int); void setStep(int); int CurrentAngle(); protected: void advance(int phase); private: qreal a; QRect size; qreal angle,speed,stepAngle; void DoCollision(); };
I have the rect on QGraphicsScene and i want it rotate around it's center. I use
robot::robot() { speed = 0; angle = 0; stepAngle = 0; a = 0; size = QRect(0,0,20,20); setTransformOriginPoint(10,10); // center of a rect setPos(mapToParent(300,300)); }
and in advance:
void robot::advance(int phase) { if(!phase) return; setRotation(rotation()+stepAngle); }
and it is working : the rect is rotating all time around it's center . But when i write function
void robot::advance(int phase) { if(!phase) return; setRotation(rotation()+stepAngle); **setPos(mapToParent(0,-speed));** // speed = 0 , stepAngle > 0 }
the rect is rotating and moving ( but speed = 0 ) , and its moving trajectory seems like cycloid and rect goes beyond qgraphicswiev. I notice when i write
setTransformOriginPoint(0,0); // not 10,10 ( not center)
instead of
it is working fine ( is rotating without moving ) even with
void robot::advance(int phase) { if(!phase) return; setRotation(rotation()+stepAngle); **setPos(mapToParent(0,-speed));** }
I want rect to rotate(stepAngle != 0 ) , rotate and move ( moving on a cycle) and move ( on line,stepAngle = 0 ) with
. Thanks for help !