Qt based geocaching app
I've released the first public version of my "CacheMe geocaching application":http://www.harbaum.org/till/cacheme
The main focus is portability. Currently supported are Desktop Linux, Windows, Maemo5, MeeGo and Symbian.
Congratulations and thanks for releasing public version of your application! Why do not you publish it to Ovi?
I saw that you had problems building you code for S60v5 (aka Symbian^1) using the remote compiler. Why don't you build it on your PC using Nokia Qt SDK, which is available for Windows? Once you build a sis file it should be compatible to all nokia devices which support Qt.
Best regards,
Leon -
[quote author="harbaum" date="1304593244"]And yes, i have the SDK on my PC, but the fact that it's available is of no use on my Linux machines.[/quote]
I thought you are a Linux user. It is really sad that the Symbian SDK is only compatible to Windows. But it is worthy to install a Windows just to be able to publish the app in Ovi :)