[Solved] How to define callback function in detail?
Hi all,
I am writing an application which uses a dll. This dll can execute a callback function in the application to transfer information back into this application. Now, the callback function is prototyped like this:
typedef void (__stdcall * senn_msg_event_fn)( SENN_MSG_EVENT_ID eventid, const char * const addr, const void * const eventdata, size_t size );
@How would I define the callback function in my application in detail?
Can it be a method of a C++ object? Should it be a "normal" function outside an object?
Do I have to create a completely separate c and header file to keep it separated?
Which specific keywords are needed for the definition?
Do I have to use the type (senn_msg_event_fn) in any way in the definition?
I suppose the parameter list is used as is?Then, the function to declare this function to the dll is done by a call to this function:
DECLDIR SENN_MSG_ERROR senn_msg_events( const wchar_t * const addr, BOOLEAN activate, BOOLEAN persistant, BOOLEAN multicast, unsigned short udp_port, senn_msg_event_fn const callback );
@Is there anything unusual I have to address when passing the function as last parameter into this call?
Does it do any harm to call this function from within an object's method or do I have to put it into a separate c function?
Do I really pass this function with it's name, without parenthesis, without parameter list?
Am I referencing it by using "&"?Any other things I have to pay attention to within this context?
Thanks a lot for your help!
Stephan -
bq. How would I define the callback function in my application in detail? (...) Which specific keywords are needed for the definition? (...) Do I really pass this function with it’s name, without parenthesis, without parameter list? Am I referencing it by using “&”?
It needs to have the same signature and calling convention, for example:
void __stdcall foo( SENN_MSG_EVENT_ID eventid, const char * const addr, const void * const eventdata, size_t size ) {
//do stuff
then to pass it all you need is the name. Functions automatically decay into function pointers when context requires it so you don't need "&":
auto errorCode = senn_msg_events(addr, activate, persistant, multicast, port, foo);//This would work too, but it's one more letter to type. Compiler knows it anyway ;)
auto errorCode = senn_msg_events(addr, activate, persistant, multicast, port, &foo);
You don't list any parameters when passing a function pointer just like you don't list any class members when you pass a pointer to it.bq. Can it be a method of a C++ object? Should it be a “normal” function outside an object?
The typedef is for a pointer to free standing function so no, it can't be a class member. Member functions take an extra "invisible" this parameter and it is part of their signature. A notation for a member function is thus different and not exchangeable with a free standing function with the same params.
bq. Do I have to create a completely separate c and header file to keep it separated?
Whether or not you put your foo function in a separate header and cpp (it's a c++ project right?) is up to you. It is not required but put it where it makes structural sense for your particular app.
bq. Do I have to use the type (senn_msg_event_fn) in any way in the definition?
You don't need the name in neither declaration nor definition (and there's no way to do so in fact). The typedef is just a convenience to type less when you want a function pointer somewhere. For example you could write the above call to senn_msg_events as one of these:
// explicitly:
void (__stdcall * bar)( SENN_MSG_EVENT_ID eventid, const char * const addr, const void * const eventdata, size_t size ) = foo;
auto errorCode = senn_msg_events(addr, activate, persistant, multicast, port, bar);//or shorter, with the use of the typedef:
senn_msg_event_fn bar = foo;
auto errorCode = senn_msg_events(addr, activate, persistant, multicast, port, bar);
The important thing is that the signature is matching.bq. Any other things I have to pay attention to within this context?
Worth mentioning is paying special attention to the calling convention (__stdcall in this case). If you change or omit it it will seem to compile and work but will most probably give you strange, undebuggable problems.
Great, thanks for the detailed answer! It confirmed some things I had in my mind already but wasn't sure about and added much benefit where I had little idea before.
Thanks a lot!