BUG: i18n letters
The forum page doesn't show the utf8 letters (shows ? instead) in author names while the other pages do.
(I had to replace the letters in question with plain Cs because of "this bug":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/470/ )For example:
bq. http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/
Last post: Nokia Qt Ambassador Badge by Ivan ?uki? | 3 minutes ago Go to last post | RSS feedhttp://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewforum/5/
bq. Nokia Qt Ambassador Badge
by: Ivan Cukic | Views: 3 | Added 4 minutes ago -
Thanks Ivan, we're looking into i18n issues. A related bug report has been filed here: "http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-50":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-50
You can report here or there. Some people love systems like JIRA - others enjoy the conversation of a forum. We don't have that many open bugs so we can manage both. They all end up in an internal "Redmine":http://www.redmine.org/ anyways :)