[paid freelance] App launcher for desktop Windows/Linux
I am looking for a app launcher for desktop Windows/Linux to be made. Closed source (LGPL Qt).
At this stage all I need for it to do is the following:
- User launches launcher.exe
- Launcher opens a standard, to OS it's running on, window with 2 buttons Run Game and Quit
- If user presses Quit, launcher quits.
- If user presses Run Game, the launcher executes game.exe in the same folder as launcher, minimized itself.
- If game’s exe isn’t found, launcher pops error window saying “Game’s executable isn’t found” with Ok button, which closes the error window and goes back to launcher’s window.
- When user quits the game, and game’s binary is no longer in RAM, launcher automatically quits.
- If the game crashes (or anything other than normal exit), launcher doesn’t quit, and instead pops an error window saying “You game crashed or terminated unexpectedly” with Ok button.
Eventually I'd need to add an options screen with cmd line arguments field and ability to save these arguments to an ascii settings file, so that next time user run launcher, cmd line arguments that were used last time
will be appended. Also that screen will have resolution list and a few other options, but that's more advanced stuff we would need later.Please PM me or e-mail me at motorsep AT gmail DT com
I can do this job, please inform about time and price
Email to me aliks-os@yandex.ruregards