Just a simple Json implementation.
I'm quite aware of a project called QJson and really recommend You try using it first before using my simple implementation. The reason I made this (except for the fun of it) is that I found a couple of people had issues with incorporating QJson in Thayer projects (be it what it may). I reserve no copyrights to this implementation so You are all welcome to ctrl+c ctrl+v and do as You see fit with it.
"Simple Json Implementation":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Simple_Json_Implementation
Perhaps you can post this as a "snippet":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/wiki/Category:Snippets on the wiki? Though it would be useful to also have the implementation of the class there, of course ;-)
Yeah sorry I'm just having some problems with my server. You are right I'll just post it as a snippet and be done with it :)
Argh I'm making a mess of It please be patient.