QxOrm 1.1.5 released and accepted into the Qt Ambassador Program
I'm proud and happy to announce that QxOrm library has been accepted into the Qt Ambassador Program
http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/ambassadors/qtambassadorThe Qt Ambassador Program is a membership-only program that honors Qt development projects.
Here the QxOrm web page on Qt website :
http://qt.nokia.com/qt-in-use/ambassadors/project?id=a0F20000006Kq9LEASMoreover, a new version released : QxOrm 1.1.5
Changes in version 1.1.5:
- New feature available : 'QxService' module to create C++ application server
- 'QxService' provides an easy and powerful way to create services and to transfer data over network
- New tutorial available to explain how 'QxService' module works
- New sample available at './test/qxClientServer' directory
- QxOrm can be built with 'CONFIG += no_keywords' flag in '*.pro' files
- Bug fix with 'qx::dao::create_table<>' function and relation 'many-to-many'
- QxOrm should now build fine with GCC <= 4.2