Who deletes open and useful threads when the last post was made by a spambot? :(
Hi, I noticed this a few times now, someone (or thing) deletes active threads in this forum, when the last post was made by spambot, but everything else in the thread was not!
So what is that about? does that thread get deleted by some anti spam system or does that happen by a moderator?? I find it quite annoying that this is happening, that is almost worse than the spambots itself if everything is just "gone". :/In case anyone is wondering this my 2nd account, because my original one is corrupted and I can't use it. I hope it gets fixed again next week... :)
Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Do you remember the titles of any of the deleted threads? (perhaps you've received email notifications when someone replied to your thread?)
Last week, I cleaned up some spam by using a tool that deletes all posts made by a single spammer. However, I did check one thread and made sure that the tool doesn't delete useful posts. Before I activated the tool, the spam post was there with the useful posts. After I activated the tool, the spam post disappeared, but the useful posts remained. So, I don't think the tool was responsible for useful posts disappearing.
Hi, I noticed now that the recent spam wave is gone (thanks!) but at first I also thought that the affected threads had gone with it.
But not so, because the email link you receive when someone posts, it has a format like this (example for a recently deleted spam)
https://qt-project.org/forums/viewreply/176839/When you click on that link, Qt's webpage says "The specified thread does not exist" which isn't exactly correct, is just that reply that's gone, and that thread can still be reached: https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/42608/
[quote author="hskoglund" date="1400293457"]the email link you receive when someone posts, it has a format like this (example for a recently deleted spam)
[/quote]Yes, the URL says "viewreply", which takes you to the specific post, not the thread itself. If the post is deleted, then that link no longer works, even if the thread is still there.Perhaps Tero could update the error message :)
@hskoglund: ah I always use the link in the mail and and I also tried to find the thread in the forums but could not see them so I thought they were really deleted.. maybe I was blind but is not easy to find that thread again if the link in the mail is not working so maybe you can just fix the error message and put a redirect to the thread or something in there. sorry for the confusion.
But there are some weird linking problems in this forum I guess:
for example when i click on my own profile from within this thread it doesn't work, the relative link seems wrong: http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/mebmer/167528
(same from other pages, it only works from the forum main page, so I guess the relative link is not working form sub pages) -
The notification email also contains the thread title. Enter this into Google:
site:qt-project.org/forums/ "Thread Title"
@(Include the quotation marks). The post should be the first item listed.
Thanks for the tip, I got used to some forum features on other sites that are missing here. like a simple list of threads I am participating in and see if there are new replies for example.. :)
[quote author="shadow_coder" date="1400333300"]Thanks for the tip, I got used to some forum features on other sites that are missing here. like a simple list of threads I am participating in and see if there are new replies for example.. :)[/quote]Tero's on the job :) You can add your ideas to http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/38227
This forum does show you which threads you've posted in. On the right, above "Docmarks", click on "_____ written posts". It doesn't show which ones have new replies per se, but when a thread gets a new reply it gets moved to the top of the list.