[SOLVED]QStringList index problem
I would like to ask for help.
If I write follow code (gep_pakli is a QStringList), then I get an error during running:
@kartya = gep_pakli.at(i);@but if I write follow code then running without error:
@kartya = gep_pakli.at(3);@Why not working if I use (int) variable?
ASSERT failure in QList<T>::take: "index out of range", file /Users/ivanicsmark/Qt5.2.1/5.2.1/clang_64/lib/QtCore.framework/Headers/qlist.h, line 488(I use OS X, but I would like use on Windows later.)
Thank you!
[quote author="Clochydd" date="1397405737"]Hi, it will work with an integer variable as well.
Make sure, your variable has a content which is represented in your QList - you may want to test it with qDebug() << i;[/quote]It's working. The for loop is running 0-5, but the data for QStringList have 0-4.
Thank you for helping!