Qt Certified Developer Badge
Here is the link to the form: "http://developer.qt.nokia.com/contact":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/contact
You can find info on how to get certified here: "http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification
[quote author="Yash" date="1280489807"]Is there any place where I can give dummy test before facing actual exams.[/quote]
No, but the curriculum is listed here:
[quote author="Yash" date="1280490342"]Can I get any dummy test( just curious )[/quote]
Not that I know of, sorry. Here are some details about the exam that might help, and an example question: "http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/exam/format-flow":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/exam/format-flow
As my experience and feeling of this exam say you will be able to pass the exam if you have practice Qt experience for at least a year (2 or 3 better). If you have something like 5 years experience than it will be quiet easy for you to pass the exam. But of course at first you should look through curriculum to know what questions you can be asked in test.
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1280466439"]If you have passed Qt Essentials exam you can write your ID via Contacts form and you will receivr such badge.[/quote]
thank you
[quote author="MariusG" date="1280486053"]You can find info on how to get certified here: "http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification[/quote]
Thank you too, Marius. But I have already pass that.
all exam related info including fees in the same link posted by Marius: http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/exam/prices-discounts
[quote author="IrQX" date="1280726489"][quote author="MariusG" date="1280486053"]You can find info on how to get certified here: "http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification[/quote]
Thank you too, Marius. But I have already pass that.[/quote]
Great, badge added. :)
MariusG, now waiting for showing badges in profile too ;)
We are working on a scheme and on the content of advanced levels of certification. There are no plans for September though, possibly for "Developer Days 2010":http://qt.nokia.com/qtdevdays2010. We will post some details on the web for discussions and feedback as soon as it will be more concrete.
There was the possibility to take the beta test for the advanced exams at Qt Dev Days in Munich.
What is the relationship between the beta tests there and the final certification? The pass scorelimit wasn't set yet and we didn't get any pass/fail, just "participated" but will we have to take the exam again once the certification/exams are finalized?
riussi, AFAIR you will not have to take it again, if your score will be big enough then you will become a Specialist.
Vladimir, am I right? -
the trolls haven't set up the final scores for passing/failing the certification (that's why you "only" participated). You won't have to do the exam again if you passed during the beta test.
More infos on this at "http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/qt-certification-advanced-exams-beta":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/qt-certification-advanced-exams-beta
Thanks, Volker for re-posting the link! As mentioned on the web, we consider the beta exams as a valid way to get passed. So if you passed the beta, you passed. The major difference is the you do not know this just after the exam. The might be some other changes as mentioned on the web, be they do not affect your result.
Please also keep in mind that one advanced exam is not sufficient to become a Specialist. This designation requires Qt Essentials passed as well.
[quote author="Vladimir" date="1287661741"]Thanks, Volker for re-posting the link! As mentioned on the web, we consider the beta exams as a valid way to get passed. So if you passed the beta, you passed. The major difference is the you do not know this just after the exam. The might be some other changes as mentioned on the web, be they do not affect your result.
Please also keep in mind that one advanced exam is not sufficient to become a Specialist. This designation requires Qt Essentials passed as well.[/quote]
I have a qustion. If I pass beta exam tommorow (30.11), when result will be known?