<pre> tag text not displaying in QML tutorial page(s)
When viewing the "QML Tutorial 2":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick2-qml-tutorial2.html page, there is nothing displayed in the preformatted tag areas. E.g.: !http://feigenson.net/ForumUploads/ScreenShot2014-02-15at1.19.42PM.jpg(Missing preformatted text)!
When I view the page source, I see:
@<p class="centerAlign"><img src="images/declarative-tutorial2.png" alt="" /></p><p>Our color picker is made of six cells with different colors. To avoid writing the same code multiple times for each cell, we create a new <tt>Cell</tt> component. A component provides a way of defining a new type that we can re-use in other QML files. A QML component is like a black-box and interacts with the outside world through properties, signals and functions and is generally defined in its own QML file. (For more details, see Defining New Components). The component's filename must always start with a capital letter.</p>
<p>Here is the QML code for <tt>Cell.qml</tt>:</p>
<pre class="qml"></pre>
<a name="walkthrough" id="walkthrough"></a>
<a name="the-cell-component" id="the-cell-component"></a>
<h3>The Cell Component</h3>
<pre class="qml"></pre>@
Note that there's nothing between the <code><pre class="qml"></code> and <code></pre></code> tags.I have the same problem on this page: "QML Tutorial 3":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtquick/qtquick2-qml-tutorial3.html but not on most other pages, e.g. "Embedding C++ Objects into QML":http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtqml/qtqml-cppintegration-contextproperties.html
I have the same problem on Safari (6.1.1) and Firefox (27.1) on Mac OS 10.8.5.
Am I the only one seeing this? Any thoughts?