[Split] Qualified in C++ with Qt exam
I have passed "Qualified in C++ with Qt" beta in 2010. This is the only exam i have appeared. How can I use this result best for taking other exams? Does "Qualified in C++ with Qt" beta has any weightage factor?
I've split the thread. Please do not use older threads to ask unrelated questions.
As stated in "Qt Certification Advanced Exams":http://qt.nokia.com/developer/learning/certification/qt-certification-advanced-exams on the Qt website, taking the Qt Essentials exam is a prerequisite. Though you have passed the advanced exam, you are not entitled to call yourself a "Nokia Certified Qt Specialist". I'm not sure if you can use the passed advanced exam fact at all, but I tend to say no.
Maybe Vladimir can have some additional enlightening words here.
Ok..Even I have the same opinion about my exam and results:)