Preciso de ajuda com qt necessitas.
Saída do compilador:
09:31:46: Running steps for project untitled1...
09:31:46: Configuration unchanged, skipping qmake step.
09:31:47: Starting: "ma-make.exe" -w
ma-make.exe: Entering directoryC:/Qt/necessitas/QtCreator/bin/untitled1-build-a99073-Debug' ma-make.exe: Nothing to be done for
ma-make.exe: Leaving directoryC:/Qt/necessitas/QtCreator/bin/untitled1-build-a99073-Debug' 09:31:47: The process "ma-make.exe" exited normally. 09:31:47: Starting: "ma-make.exe" INSTALL_ROOT="C:\\Qt\\necessitas\\QtCreator\\bin\\untitled1\\android" install -w ma-make.exe: Entering directory
copy /y "" "C:\Qt\necessitas\QtCreator\bin\untitled1\android\libs\armeabi\"
1 arquivo(s) copiado(s).
ma-make.exe: Leaving directory `C:/Qt/necessitas/QtCreator/bin/untitled1-build-a99073-Debug'
09:31:48: The process "ma-make.exe" exited normally.
09:31:48: Copy Qt app & libs to Android package ...
09:31:48: Creating package file ...
09:31:48: Package deploy: Running command 'C:\Qt\necessitas/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin/ant.bat clean debug'.
'"java.exe"' nÆo ‚ reconhecido como um comando interno
ou externo, um programa oper vel ou um arquivo em lotes.
Packaging Error: Command 'C:\Qt\necessitas/apache-ant-1.8.4/bin/ant.bat clean debug' failed.Exit code: 9009
Error while building/deploying project untitled1 (target: Necessitas Qt 4.8.2 for Android armv5)
When executing step 'Packaging for Android'