Display of gruop membership in profile
Hi, I just saw that if someone is in more then three groups, then logos of groups under obscure the descriptions of groups upper, it is lokking like this:
!http://img546.imageshack.us/img546/3127/beztytuuuw.png(obrazek)!It is not a big bug, but this is not looking well. I use Firefox 3.6.13 and Windows 7
edit: I don't find in Jira this bug so I create this one: "QTWEBSITE-182":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-182
[ edit: link fixed / Denis Kormalev ]
Something was wrong with groups listings before the recent update. But as far as I remember, this was "only" a forum thread.
BlackDante, just a small request regarding the bugreport:
The summary field is more like a title for the ticket (as in the forum here), it should be a quite short text. The actual text goes into the description field. Not a big deal, but it helps scanning through the list of issues. -
Oh, my fault, i wanna do it fat, so I just copy what I wrote here to summary and description :) next time i will improve myself :) but I hope that will not be a "next time" :)
Always are some glitches, I know, we are only humans so code never will be "perfect" and if I will saw something bad acting I will report this, but I mean that DevNet will be bug free :)