Qt feature request:C++ Qt widgets shoud use native controls on Android
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[quote author="Andre" date="1380271907"]Also: AFAIK, Qt widgets isn't even supported on Android (nor on the iOS). It's all QML there for the GUI.[/quote]
Incorrect :) At least according to "this blog":http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/07/03/qt-5-1-released/.
[quote]Qt for Android supports all Qt modules that are part of 5.1 with the exception of Qt Serialport, Qt WebKit and parts of Qt Multimedia.[/quote] -
bq. "Andre wrote:
Weird choice, if you ask me."If Qt drops support for c++ widgets(even if it is on only mobile platforms) it
would mean "goodbye Qt" for me.I love coding in c++(it doesn't mean I am good at it) and want to continue coding in c++.I hate being enforced to use another language(Qml,js...),even if it's just for GUI.I don't mean Qml is bad,some people may think Qml is much easier/better for creating GUIs than C++,they can think what they want,but I want to be able to continue coding GUI in c++.
Katmai most probably, you are safe for at least 6 years, then. And very probably, you are safe till the end of time, as nobody wants to drop QtWidgets at the moment :)
No, true, there are no plans to drop QtWidgets. Especially on the desktop (and I think embedded), it would indeed be the end of Qt I think.
However, on mobile, touch-centered platforms I don't think there is a future for QtWidgets. It simply doesn't support the fluent, animated kinds of interactions you need and have come to expect on these platforms.
Thanks for your answer.
They could create Qt Quick for C++ instead of creating a new language called Qml.
But some people think Qml is better/easier for creating GUIs,then Qt team could create a C++ equivalent of Qt Quick and leave the decision to the user to whether to use Qml Qt Quick or C++ equivalent,
Sure, perhaps they could. But that discussion has raged before. The bottom line is that (as of yet): they did not. That may or may not change in the future (I sure hope that it will be feasible to provide a good, stable C++ interface), but at the moment we are stuck with QML if we want a modern UI paradigm. There were good reasons why that did not happen to begin with, and why it has not happened yet, but that does not say that it shoud not happen at all.