Qt4 port of Firefox 4
Some blog posts unveil a Qt 4 port of Firefox 4:
- Techworld: "Mozilla revives Qt port for Firefox 4 ":http://www.techworld.com.au/article/373568/mozilla_revives_qt_port_firefox_4/
- Markus' Little Blog: "Quick look at Firefox 4 for Qt4":http://kamikazow.wordpress.com/2011/01/16/quick-look-at-firefox-4-for-qt4/
[quote author="Andre" date="1295272122"]I did notice the second link you posted. A good question in that was: isn't there enough confidence in QtWebkit?[/quote]
That question is void in that context, IMHO. We do have Webkit and a big bunch of browsers using it (Konqueror @ KDE (at least they wanted to), Arora to mention the more popular ones), so it's well accepted.
There purely was no (mature) Qt based browser using mozillas gecko engine. And Qt4-Firefox4 now fills the gap.
Software is more often than not a matter of choice. And mostly it is good to have this choice.
That port is around for years now! Here is an "interview with Oleg":http://dot.kde.org/2008/08/12/interview-qt-comes-mozilla-and-firefox?page=1 from 2008.
Back then Qt was very new to Nokia:-) Also note that Firefox is using its XUL UI. The Qt integration is mostly a thin wrapper to make Firefox render into a Qt Widget via cairo (and to get events from that widget). So please do not blame rendering issues on Qt:-)
peppe: When I last looked at it the port was mostly about making cairo render into a QWidget using the QPainter APIs. In addition there is event handling code to inject events delivered by Qt into the Firefox event management system.
I hate to install GTK+ files in my KDE distro so this port will ve very accepted if it will be stable