Qt5.1 on Rasberry Pi (full install not cross-compile)
For qserialport i think i have to build the module.
I will try qmake, make and make install for the module.For Qt creator 2.7 i think it will also have to be built, not exactly sure how.
I will try to get it from git and after using also qmake, make and make install.
Let's see how it goes... -
For qserialport i tried to build the module like i said in my previous post, it compiled the module but when i tried the example enumerator, i get as before, unknown module.
Please post your .pro file and make sure you have this line in it:
QT += serialportRerun qmake, then make.
Also, you do NOT want to follow those instructions on Raspberry Pi. I just tried and couldn't get Qt5 to work with it because it installs QtCreator 2.5 and you need 2.6.1 to run Qt5.
Compiling that for the Raspberry Pi seems like another good wiki.
I'm starting the build from git for version 2.8.0:
@cd ~
git clone git://gitorious.org/qt-creator/qt-creator.git
cd qt-creator/
qmake -r@I just ran this but getting an error:
Reading /home/pi/qt-creator/src/plugins/fakevim/fakevim.pro
Reading /home/pi/qt-creator/src/plugins/designer/designer.pro
Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: designercomponents designer@ -
Qserialport is already working.
I had forgot to do sudo make install.Now Qt creator is another thing...
Looking at your previous post, it seems you might have to build and install that module...Tomorrow (here its 2 a.m.) i will try it also.
Also, can you tell me how can i close the window when i run my app?
I get it fullscreen...Thanks
I tried what you did but i get a different error:
- Project ERROR: Unknown module(s) in QT: script
Not sure on those unknown module errors. I'll have to look at them when I get more time.
Regarding the closing the app, if you are in the console Ctrl+Alt+Backspace works, Ctrl+C might work as well. In x-windows, I haven't figured out which key combo works but in your app you can add a this->close(); in the main window class wherever appropriate.
I'm now trying to compile and install qtscript module and after if i get your error i will do the same with qttools (it seems to be related to designer).
Yeah I was pretty sure mine compiled qttools because the .obj directory is populated (FYI - In Linux anytime a file or directory starts with a period (.), the file or directory will be hidden), but it still complains about designer. I ran qmake without the -r and then I'm running make now. Quite an experiment from two rather inexperienced Qt bit diddlers eh? I'm a software engineer by trade but this is the first time I've used Qt.
I am currently compiling qt as written in the wiki, but I had to leave the configuration file vanilla. When I applied the changes the configure script stopped telling me something about an unterminated string.
I hope the compilation will be finished on monday :o)
I also would like to use qt designer, so i somebody knows how to compile it I would be happy! -
Hi postmako.
Did you had any luck on Qtcreator?
Mine first complainned about: unknown module: script.
I build and installed qtscript module. This error resolved.
Next try i got unknown module:declarative.
I build and installed qtdeclarative module and also qttools, but i still get unknown module: declarative.As i can see it will be necessary to build and install some other modules...
The problem is that it's complainning about declarative but i already build and installed it...Any ideas?
The only info i found on the web states that declarative module was renamed to quick, but this was on Qtcreator 2.6....
[quote author="postmako" date="1375481184"]Just an FYI, if you don't manually make the changes to the configure script then it will not build PulseAudio, DBus, or some of the others.[/quote]
THX for the hint. Somehow changing the file manually did not work, using the patch file didnĀ“t work either:
pi@raspberrypi ~/opt/qt5 $ patch -p0 < raspberry.patch
patch: **** Only garbage was found in the patch input.Same when putting the patch file into the qtbase dir and calling patch there. I have no idea what the problem is.
It would be nice if the patch file could be downloaded and the right "patch" command would be given. I used patches on the linux kernel 1000 times, but seems I an unable to get this little thing working here. :-/
Hi postmako.
I still didn't managed to build Qtcreator.
After build and install qtquick1 module the declarative error was resolved. But now i get the same you had: designercomponents designer.One other thing, is it possible when building an app, define it not to use opengl?
My problem is that i want to show my app (running on RPi) on my laptop (not on monitor), using x11vnc and tightvncviewer. I get the same screen as pi, but i can't get the hdmi output because of opengl.
Is there any way to do it, or should i build again Qt and in configure do not use -opengl es2?Thanks
As far as I know adding the -opengl es2 to the configure is just telling Qt to configure opengl for ES2 not the desktop. It should not matter when it comes to building your apps. There is probably something wrong with your application.
Did you try building the sample apps in /home/pi/opt/qt5/qtbase/examples/ ?
I tried to build some examples, but i get the same.
On my laptop i get everything but the app.
When i plug the hdmi monitor, the app is showing.
So i don't know if the problem is on RPi or on Qt side...
I read that it's not possible to get same screen on monitor and laptop if it's using opengl.
Like i said, on RPi i'm using x11vnc and on laptop tightvncviewer.If you want, i can send you my app code. But i think the problem it's not in my app. My app is working well in Ubuntu and on Windows 7.
One thing different is that in RPi, when i start app it's always fullscreen, but in the other OS it's not and so i get the buttons to maximize, minimize and close.Thanks