[Poll] What percentage of your development is Qt related?
I spend my "development hours" between .Net/C#, Java, MS C++ and Qt. Sometimes I get to code on all of them in a single day :)
At this time, all my Qt applications are distributed for free and target the maemo platform. I hope to expand and try to move Qt development to the top of the list.
How do you split your time?
Now i have only one project for the university and of course is based on Qt :)
For me it's roughly 50-75%. I include "development" of sql data models and business logic design into that count too. For the rest of the time it's Java and some other C++ (which is not really Qt based, but we use Qt there too for some basic things like strings and XML)
I want to switch my every-day project to Qt, but my every-day work inhibits me from doing so :( ;)
[edit] but - as a consolation - have a look on the "Qt-related wikipedia category":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Software_that_uses_Qt
For me it is something like 90% now, but it always changes for me (4 years ago it was near 90%, 2 years ago it was something like 30% of Qt, now it is again 90%). I hope it will not go down again :)
Wolf P., for now it is mobile platforms: symbian, winmo, meego, android. But used to develop for desktop platforms in past (linux, windows, macos) and even for non-x86 architectures :) (sparc architecture).
I'm focusing on Qt exclusively for personal/freelance stuff, but my day job has me doing Delphi (which is impressive in it's own right)
we're just starting to port to QT for UI support, but I don't see the overall project ever consuming QT more than 25%, possibly the majority of work will be core C++ and something like 10% will be QT effort in the grand scheme of things. obvious it's going to be 90% of the time during the porting phase of our UI to QT then I see 100% core C++ refactoring, and ongoing redesign.
we're hoping to see QT move to supporting various tablets, otherwise i see more C++ with HTML 5, javascript, jquery development for UI dev
About 75%, the other part is C/C++ OpenCL parallel software.
I do around 90% development on Java EE 6 for highly scalable systems that use mostly desktop and web applications for client interaction (very little mobile requirements yet).
I use Qt 10% of the time, and mostly experimenting on what it would take for me to do the same things in Qt that I currently do in Java, too bad that C++ libraries are still lacking compared to what I do on Java EE (currently I use it for automotive and banking).
I found some replacements for the distributed, highly scalable parts of the systems (ZeroC ICE products, but it's GPL or commercial and quite expensive, and Oracle GlassFish is a lot more flexible licensed), but for deployment and Web communications, still no luck (would be cool to have a good fastcgi or scgi implementation in Qt, I tried some opensource projects but are very old or lacking basic functionality).
Object serialization has really improved in Qt, with QObjects and XML you can go really far, and for Qt5 there's a new serialization module for supporting JSON as well, but still, I think to make it as easy as JAXB in Java, it would take some time and dedication, but with QML stealing all the trolls attention, it's going to be hard to go there anytime soon.
For the desktop client side, Qt is really on top of Java swing, but, there are A LOT of components, both open source and commercial for swing, which Qt is lacking, i.e. a diagramming component, a very-rich-eye-candy charting, an iCal/Outlook like calendar component, a MS Project like gantt/scheduler component (more modern looking, I've seen KDABs and it looks like made in the windows 3.11 days), or text visual diff component (something like that would be useful in Qt, specially for Qt Creator that still has text only diff).