[Solved] Need some quick info about certificating.
Digia, ICS and KDAB are running Qt courses, you probably do get some kind of certificate after you complete them. There is no official Qt certification program - it died when Nokia lost interest in Qt.
No. Digia is. Qt itself is now an open source project, with Digia having the trademark and most dev power (about 50% of commits to Qt source code come from Digia).
Wow, cool! I still hate Nokia, but love Qt so much.. So, I have to go when courses are available, complete them and done? Can you give me some links where to "getting started"? e.g how much money everything will cost, how long it will take, what to learn first, etc please ? :-)
I'm not interested in certificates myself, so all I can give you are some very general links:
- "KDAB":http://www.kdab.com/training/
- "Digia":http://qt.digia.com/Services/Qt-Training/#.UbyG2tzrwoM
- "ICS":http://www.ics.com/learning/training
I don't know where you are from, but most courses can be taken in Europe and USA.
Hi ..Can anyone help me for Qt trianing centers in India....?
Because I am planning for certification exams for this year....! -
Hi Guys
I have found one ...
in Banglore(India)