[SOLVED]Code display, maybe syntax highlighter parser issue
Hi Trolls and congratulations on this forum, it's really nice to talk to, and get advices from the "Guys" behind Qt, keep up the good work ;)
But i post my first thread to report an issue with the code displaying in the posts, check [url=http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewthread/260/]this[/url] topic for example.
(i didn't saw it reported, sorry if i somehow skipped something and it you know about it, i'm new here, it's only my second day ;) )The replace of sequence of characters like: parentheses look at: return a.exec ( ) ; or curly brackets, is happening in Windows 7 (with Firefox 3.6.6, 4beta, IE8, and QwebView ;) ) and on Ubuntu (Firefox, and QWebView) so i guess (because it happen everywhere even the copy button) it's an issue with syntax highlighter parser.
Thanks for reporting and you're right, it's the syntax highlighter parser. The parser is having some issues with things like "(a == b)" and those curly brackets. We're looking into it and it will be fixed, Qt code should look great here. :)
If you have more to add, or find other code parsing issues, there is a bug report for it here: "http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-46":http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-46