Add subscriptions to blog postings
I just wanted to let you know of "QTWEBSITE-150": with this suggestion:
In the forum, there is a link "Subscribe to this thread" to get email notifications for new posts.
In the blogs there is no such link, one has to post a comment to switch email notifications on and unfortunately one cannot post an empty comment.
May be an rss feed might help.
Oh, I think so it feature need add to simple API "here":!
QtK, not sure about rss. Global RSS will not help if you want to subscribe only to one blog post. RSS for each blog post looks for me like something strange.
Vass, please elaborate. Do you mean providing info about count of new blog posts/blog comments or something else?
Vass, subscribed posts are subscribed because you receive email about them. I'm not sure we need double notification.
[quote author="Volker" date="1292958664"]In the blogs there is no such link, one has to post a comment to switch email notifications on and unfortunately one cannot post an empty comment.
[/quote]Makes sense to have it there but I don't see it as an important feature, so it's on the list but not at the top.