Language navigator bar on wiki pages
As a translator of many pages to Spanish, this is very useful option for me, I vote for it.
Yes, this is a good feature, and is good if we decide the format of the navigator. Because some navigator language have a language of the page at the begin and other wiki have the current language in different position.
Let's wait, if there will be done something.
see "this thread": -
[quote author="Gerolf" date="1292763082"]Let's wait, if there will be done something.
see "this thread":[/quote]Regulating the names is a good idea, which we can say also required to solve the issue with the navigation bar.
The naming regulation was the start of the thread, and then there came many ideas in, lika a language dimension for a wiki page etc...
It is pretty obvious to every one that read this thread but it is very error-prone to have to edit all the pages when you add a new "translation" of an existing page.
For instance, on a pretty "big hit" "qml": , if you navigate between languages you will see that very few of the pages actually have all the languages listed on the top.
I think that we need to have translations treated as "versions" and make sure that every single "entity" in the web site has a "language" attribute. I am afraid this will become unmanageable pretty soon and the more content we have the harder will be to fix later on.
It's already suggested in "QTWEBSITE-142": :-)
It's an issue now, and I've already voted for it. It'd great to have a language bar.
In some thread we have discussed that it would be a way too big work to have a wiki engine on that you can select the default language, but with this language bar and a little scripting, maybe it' can be done... :)
It seems to me that the core problem is that we don't have on the system how to say translations are just different "versions" of the document. Until we can have that we won't be able to address any of the issues (language toolbar, list of articles in one language, filter articles per language, ...)
Tags should help us "separate" the languages but will not help us group the translations of a document. I was hopeful that we could have a quick fix to the problem by using the "URLs". I think is possible since we have a "naming convention" for the wiki documents translated. Maybe Marius has a better idea on the works though.
A script based on the URLs could work, that was that I always thought of. But yes, mabe Marius will come up with a simple and clean ideia :)
I have seen many Developer website in which language change option is at the top most side.
So, any user can access their required data in their language.