BlackBerry Qt Gui Application
Hello, I have an app for Symbian (originally). Now works in Android (thanks to Qt Necessitas). My idea is port the app to BlackBerry 10.
I installed the latest versions necessary:
- installer-bbndk-bb10_0_09-win32-1673-201212072306-201212091625
- BlackBerry10Simulator-Installer-BB10_0_10-261-Win-201301271908
- VMware-player-5.0.2-1031769
- qt-creator-windows-opensource-2.7.0
Entire environment works, but when I want to create an app that uses QWidget, the app don't run on BlackBerry 10 Simulator.
What I do is:
(Qt Creator)
File->New File or Proyect->BlackBerry Qt Gui Application.
Then install the app on BlackBerry 10 Simulator:
(Qt Creator)
Build->run qmake
Build->Rebuild all
Build->Deploy allThe app is installed without problem (I can see the icon of the app), but the app don't run.
If I change the type of project:
(Qt Creator)
File->New File or Proyect->BlackBerry Cascades Application...
the app runs perfectly.I need to change anything else in the project?
Thanks for your help.
Note: I do not speak English, sorry!
Hi ,
maybe this could help ..
"Porting Qt applications":
I guess you have already set the NDK Path and generated the two BlackBerry 10 Kits ( one for Device and the other for Simulator) seems like you built your app for device(armvle7) and you try to run it on the Simulator (x86). Make sure you have cleaned the projects and when building and deploying make sure you set the right kit (Simulator).
I opened the original project on qt creator 2.7.0, after build: errors, missing many libraries, then delete the functions (functions using libraries lost).
Finally the proyect compiled-deployed but not run.
Maybe I need to install any library in blackberry Emulator