FAQ: What am I missing?
Please vote for it if you like:
EDIT: and here is the link for the bug report: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-123
[quote]A QA-forum style (think Stackoverflow, Expert Exchange, Yahoo! answers) is probably one of the big things we want to add in 2011. The number of interactions to support a QA forum is plenty, so it’s not a quick addition to the site I’m afraid.
[/quote]I think this settles down the "community FAQs" thing. :-)
I'm hoping a future "questions and answer" type of forum thread would be the ultimate FAQ, see suggestion here: http://bugreports.qt.nokia.com/browse/QTWEBSITE-134
When we have that sort of data we can make overviews/searches on solved threads. Perhaps merge it with the current FAQ section to keep it sane.
Feel free to comment on that link above, the usability aspects are especially important and a bit of a worry.