Cumulus - Flight computer for glider pilots
Although I am personally no longer actively involved in the developement of "Cumulus":, I think it makes a nice showcase of what Qt is able to do and has been able to do for the last decade already. Started by yours truly in the Qt 2.x days to run on the Sharp Zaurus, is has now been ported to Qt 4 and runs on the Nokia N8x0 and N900.
The goal of the application is to aid glider pilots in navigation and calculations, as well as improve flight safety by displaying nearby landable and reachable sites (based on glider characteristics and wind speeds), by warning for (upcomming) airspace violations and by interacting with the anti-collision FLARM system.
! display)!
! in use in the cockpit)!
Cool ! The app must have been very reliable and trustable.
Thanks for sharing this.
Wow. Perfect! You got me thinking way back when I remember Sharp Zaurus and QTopia :)