[bug][Groups] Parser bug
In Qt Russia "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/groups/qt_russia/updates my last post, words should not be striked. Some russian words have symbol -.
I will take a look at it
Hum, maybe we should change the textile parser to require a space before the first - to generate -strikethrough-, would that fix it for Russian?
mariusg, Yes, It should help.
Vass, do you have more examples of this bug striking? We're looking into it today but could use more to work with.
mariusg, one more example:
раз-два три-четыре@
раз-два три-четыре
@ -
Thanks :)
mariusg, and one more example "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewreply/18604/
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1294071819"]mariusg, and one more example "here":http://developer.qt.nokia.com/forums/viewreply/18604/[/quote]
This is the text from that link (I've fixed it there to give it more sense :-) )
//// snip \\
Well written, Zlatomir. It's exactly the point. And while I really do like the . to -> conversion on plain old pointers, I would argue against it for smart pointers. I would not like it to be changed afterwards (from xyz.hori to xyz->hori) because I do not like that code, that my cursor is not on, is changed automatically.
\\ snap ////