QtonPi: Can I use the GPIO on Pi ?
Dear all,
I am all new to Qt, I would like to know if there are any way that I can use the GPIO on Pi while I am using QtonPi. My project is to build a video/image decoder to transform video/image to pixel-bypixel RGB data, and then pass to another unit to display it, and I would really like to using GPIO to do it. Is there a way that I can do it?
Thank you.Gordon
Pinouts and example code here:
You can use the "WiringPi":https://projects.drogon.net/raspberry-pi/wiringpi/ library to detect GPIO HIGH/LOW states, etc. Then write some C++ code that does something useful with the information that WiringPi provides. Now this code can be used in Qt/Qml.
Sample using GPIO's Rasperry Pi, Qt and wiringPi :" R a s p b e r r y P i + S c r a t c h + w i r i n g P i + Q t + 3 B p i": http://oshw.binefa.net/?p=4