Qt 5.0.0 released
Great news! Congratulations to everybody at Qt Project & Digia (and KDAB, ICS, woboq etc.).
@Luca - no. Meego/Harmattan stuff was introduced by Nokia, AFAIK. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't suspect it to be there in Qt5. Materials do indicate the Jolla-OS is supported, though.
[quote author="sierdzio" date="1355927825"]no. Meego/Harmattan stuff was introduced by Nokia, AFAIK. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't suspect it to be there in Qt5. Materials do indicate the Jolla-OS is supported, though.[/quote]
... that's not a good news.
This way I'll must have two Qt SDK in my linux pc...
You might try compiling Qt5 form Harmattan, though, it might work. I vaguely recall someone working on that, but I can't remember where or when.
Wow!!! Thank you for the magnificent present! :) I am eagerly looking forward to the full iOS and Android support :)
There is also a wealth of new release videos on "QtStudios":http://www.youtube.com/user/QtStudios/videos?view=0&flow=grid channel.
- Linux: xcb/ wayland, Mesa/ OpenGL stuff, libICU, g++
- Mac: Xcode + Command line tools
- Windows: MSVC 2010, ICU
Requirements are bigger if you want to compile it. See "this link":http://qt-project.org/wiki/Building-Qt-5-from-Git.
I've some questions to ask:
- Do you canceled QtSDK-offline distros?
- Where can I find MinGW disto?
- I tired to donwload the new versions but I got this error message! how can I get them?
Qt 5 ships with the new offline SDK
It's not available yet due to problems in QtWebKit module. You can compile using MinGW yourself.
Maybe some temporary quirk. Downloads work for me.
404 error is due to a bug in the HTTPS Everywhere plugin: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7560
Disable it, and you'll be able to download
No, C++98 is still fully supported. You should be able to compile the source using MSVC 2008.
Great to hear! Now have to figure out how to compile it against Regal (https://github.com/p3/regal) instead of normal OpenGL
@hardcoder: Interesting... do you have more information than what is on that site? Which issues is regal addressing?