Qt Certification Exam simulation - would it be 1. legal? 2. useful?
[quote author="Denis Kormalev" date="1291572125"]Gerolf, beta is closed already (Dec,3 was the last day AFAIR). [/quote]
good news. Waiting for the release! :)
infoctopus, I'm more waiting for results of beta :)
i guess there's a chance that these two event will be fired at the same time )
Gerolf, yes there were such announcements, but as I understood time estimation was not finished, so it can be moved to Jan for example. Vladimir can clear it.
Any official comments on the subject? :)
My question is: why create a new application at all? Applications like this exist already. There are several flashcard like applications that would be useful or could easily be adapted. The hard work is putting together a question database, I think.
If you would want this thing to be useful for studying, it should also give you some idea of the topical areas where you did well, and the ones you need more study in.