Looking for Qt C++ job in Italy/Germany
Greetings all!
I'm an Argentinian living in Italy and i'm looking for some job related with this cool framework. I've been working with Qt and C++ for 3 years.
More information of my CV on linkedin
You can check this one: "link":http://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/19413.
I'm Italian and I live/work in Germany.
One suggestion: go away from there!Italy retains the top of many type of products, but software... forget about it.
This is wolfgang iam happy to publish this info to you, i don't know for how many people it will be useful but one of my friend applied through Rekrut IQ for QT, C++ jobs within one week he got a call and within one month they sheduled interview and now he is doing job.i hope you people also get an oppurtunity here is the link...
This is wolfgang iam happy to publish this info to you, i don't know for how many people it will be useful but one of my friend applied through Rekrut IQ for QT, C++ jobs within one week he got a call and within one month they sheduled interview and now he is doing job.i hope you people also get an oppurtunity here is the link...
@AndresPeralta In my company there are quite positions you can check! https://blacklane.com/en/career In Berlin in general you can find many positions even if you do not speak German! Good luck! :)
Hi Andres,
we are looking for an experienced Qt developer for our highend software-product PointCab. If you are interested in working with a young, high educated, flexible and professional team close to Stuttgart, Germany, please send your CV. Have a look to our website www.pointcab-software.com .
Best regards,
Richard (CEO) -
Hi. I haven't found an area in your website for a job contact.
If you are still searching please have a look at this project, made in Qt with OpenCV.www.denisgottardello.it/ComputerVisionStudio/ComputerVisionStudioMacOSX.zip
ComputerVisionStudio (for Mac but can be also for Windows and Linux) is a program written to study and try the OpenCV functions with images, webcameras, avi and media files.
If you think I have the right acknowledgements please send me your email, I will reply to you with my cv.Regards.
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