Experienced Qt/VTK Engineer in medical image visualization and processing
Pdf of the job description: "http://olivier.commowick.org/files/position_medinria_2012.pdf":http://olivier.commowick.org/files/position_medinria_2012.pdf
Presentation of Inria
Inria is the French national institute for research in computer science and mathematics. It has a workforce of 4000 people working throughout its eight research centers established in seven regions of France. The Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique research center counts 600 persons working in more than 30 research teams. It is located in Rennes, France.
The VisAGeS research team is a research team jointly affiliated to Inria, CNRS, University of Rennes I and Inserm. It focuses on developing new methods and biomarkers for the study of the healthy brain as well as diseases and their evolution (such as multiple sclerosis, dementia, Parkinson’s disease). These studies are performed in close collaboration with clinicians at the university hospital in Rennes. The VisAGeS research team therefore has a great history of software development and latest research transfer to clinicians.
Job Description
This job proposal takes place in the national project medInria aimed at developing for Inria a platform to demonstrate and distribute its research developments in medical image processing. This software, started among the Asclepios research team, is now a joint effort of development among four of the major teams in medical image processing at Inria: Asclepios, Athena, Parietal and VisAGeS. Based on a core / plugin architecture (built on Qt), the project will ultimately include the latest research developments of these four teams.
The selected candidate will work in the VisAGeS team in Rennes and will take an active part in the common development of the project to further develop the application core (API, Qt-based interface to define/run processing workflows, scripting -‐ python, plugin web store). He/she will strongly collaborate with other teams on these aspects.
He/she will also be in charge of developing plugins and their interface for the specific VisAGeS team’s research developments (registration of surfaces, diffusion imaging, tractography), and workflows for multiple sclerosis lesions segmentation.Knowledge, Skills & Experience
We are looking for talented people motivated by technical and scientific challenges. The successful candidate will hold a degree in computer science, electrical engineering, applied mathematics or similar discipline. He/she will have from two to seven years of software development experience.
The following skills / qualities will be of particular interest:
- Perfect knowledge of C++ language mandatory.
- Good experience of Qt and VTK.
- Good knowledge of version management (SVN, Git) and compilation software (dashboard, cmake)
- Knowledge of ITK and python would be a plus
- Skills (and experience) in medical image processing
- Autonomy and ability to work in a (nationally distributed) team
- Being fluent in English or French is required. Reading and writing English is required
Contract & Salary
One year contract, renewable.
Salary upon experience, from 30K to 37K euros per year.Interesting links
medInria: "http://med.inria.fr":http://med.inria.fr
VisAGeS research team: "https://www.irisa.fr/visages":https://www.irisa.fr/visagesContact
Please send a detailed CV (including references) and a cover letter by email to: "Olivier.Commowick@inria.fr":mailto:Olivier.Commowick@inria.fr (please include [medinria‐position] in the title). Or apply directly through the Inria application website: http://www.inria.fr/en/experienced-engineers