[SOLVED] double precision in for-loops
Hey there
I have a short question about doubles in for-loops.
for(double i=0.0; i<=2.0; i+=0.1)
@In the above example it ignores the last step 2.0, so what I get is i until 1.9. If I'm doing this
for(double i=0.0; i<=2.0000001; i+=0.1)
@The last step 2.0 is also executed. Does somebody know a better solution to this problem instead of my hack there?
You could use qFuzzyCompare instead of the =, but that would mean rewriting your loop to:
for(double d=0.0; d<2.0 || qFuzzyCompare(d, 2.0); d+=0.1)
@Or, you get rid of using floating points in your loop completely, and do:
for(int i=0; i<=20; i+=1) {
double d = double(i) / 10.0; //use d for whatever you wanted done
@The root problem is that because floating points are never precise, comparisons with floating points are not precise either.
Hmm, even qFuzzyCompare does not work. Well there is only the int conversion way. Thx anyway!
Edit: My fault, qFuzzyCompare works, but as you said, comparing doubles can't be the way.