Qt GRPC: Why is handling a response required for a grpc call?
Qt 6
I've recently been working with Qt Grpc in 6.8.1 in C++, following along the Client Guide Example:
std::unique_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> reply = m_client.UnaryCall(requestMessage); const auto *replyPtr = reply.get(); // 1 QObject::connect( replyPtr, &QGrpcCallReply::finished, replyPtr, [reply = std::move(reply)](const QGrpcStatus &status) { ... }, Qt::SingleShotConnection // 2 );
I was able to get the example to work. However, I noticed that if I omitted the code which handles the response, my server would not receive any call. Specifically, just
std::unique_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> reply = m_client.UnaryCall(requestMessage);
would not execute a grpc call that my server received. Why? In the full example above, does the call get executed when QObject::connect is called?
I understand that the vast majority of the time, we need to check the response to gain information so this is an edge case. I am curious why the code didn't behave as I expected.
std::unique_ptr<QGrpcCallReply> reply = m_client.UnaryCall(requestMessage);
I would guess you should think about how long this object is alive.